[Book Review] Maybe This Time By A.M. Arthur & Open Eye Café Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Coffee - Book & Coffee Addict
Maybe This Time was a quick read for me and I was surprised upon finishing it to realize it’s a full length novel and not a novella. I just devoured it in one sitting, stuck in the angst-ridden tension of Ezra’s and Donner’s unfolding relationship. To say Ezra and Donner have not had it easy in life is an understatement. Both men come from traumatizing backgrounds with horrible parents (to say the least). Both have loved and lost the person they thought was their forever (Ezra’s ex pretty much abandoned him after a move to a new city and Donner’s partner of six years was killed in a senseless act of violence). Now Ezra goes for no attachment fun and Donner hasn't opened himself up to the possibility of anything long-term in a longtime. Ezra’s preferred hunting ground for willing partners happens to be Pot O Gold, where Donner works as a bartender. Despite the fact that neither man is looking for more at the time, when the two finally meet they just seem to click. Ezra’s never had someone show they care for him the way Donner does and there’s something about Ezra that makes Donner want to put himself out there and let someone in again. It’s not all smooth sailing, and some miscommunications lead to a rocky start, but they've stumbled upon something together worth fighting for and they both know it.